Explore the data

Deep-dive into the details, explore all three dimensions, and compare different country data of your preference for a holistic market overview in just a few clicks.

In-depth ranking overview

Every dimension contains a range of sub-rankings. Explore them here: choose a country, then switch between the three dimensions to see the sub-rankings contributing to the total score.

Country ranking comparisons

Here you can select up to three countries to directly compare their results across dimensions and sub-rankings for each of the data points included in the index. Select the countries on the left, and the results will be displayed on the right.

What if scenarios

This dashboard provides the possibility to adjust dimension weights to get different overall ranking results. For example, if you select x2 or x3 weight for any dimension, all of the sub-rankings that belong to that dimension would be multiplied by the selected multiplier and will affect the end rankings of all countries. This dashboard can be used to explore ‘what if’ scenarios that favor one attractiveness dimension over others.