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European Fintech Index

We are excited to unveil the European Fintech Index ...

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ConnectPay – listed as one of the “Top Revolutionary fintech companies transforming business in 2021”

We are celebrating! ConnectPay is recognized as one of …

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ConnectPay welcomes a new Independent Board Member

We are excited to announce that Nicholas Gordon has …

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ConnectPay – one of the TOP 10 Lithuanian most attractive startups to work at

ConnectPay has been announced to be one of the …

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The Silicon Review nominated ConnectPay as one of the 10 Best FinTech Companies to Watch 2021

A well known U.S. business reviews magazine the Silicon …

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ConnectPay begins 2021 by welcoming a new Board member

Kicking off 2021, we are excited to announce that …

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SCA Deadline is Nearing: is the Market Prepared?

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) – the latest security standard …

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In the face of global crisis, Lithuanian fintech companies increase investment in legal compliance

Despite the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, …