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European Fintech Index

We are excited to unveil the European Fintech Index ...

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Paytech Awards: ConnectPay announced to be a ‚Rising Fintech Star‘

ConnectPay with Agne Selemonaite in Deputy CEO position have …

Expert opinion
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Four ways the payments industry can withstand a potential second COVID-19 wave

The potential of a second spike in COVID-19 cases …

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ConnectPay awarded as Best Payment Service Provider in the Baltics two years in a row

Launched in 2019 BSG Awards came as a part …

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SCA Deadline is Nearing: is the Market Prepared?

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) – the latest security standard …

Insider's view
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After Wirecard Collapse: An Insider’s View on Mitigating Situation and Third-Party Necessity

Just recently, the payments market was struck by surprise, …

Expert opinion
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Tal Itzhak Ron: Are live conferences a thing of the past?

The Coronavirus outbreak caught everyone by surprise. It introduced …

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Introducing – ConnectPay mobile App!

We have taken the word ‘Easy’ to a brand …

Expert opinion
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Iosif Galea: take that independence and make it permanent

ConnectPay has started new content series – Expert opinion …

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In the face of global crisis, Lithuanian fintech companies increase investment in legal compliance

Despite the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, …

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Bank of Lithuania opens up reporting API tests to ConnectPay

The Bank of Lithuania is building a new application …
